#CamerasandDancers launched in 2014 with a mission to make dance more visible and accessible online.
Jacob Jonas The Company produced 60 events in partnership with leading cultural institutions, dance companies and arts organizations. Through grassroots marketing, #CamerasandDancers reached millions of individuals, democratizing dance content and increasing online awareness of artists and arts organizations.
Each event unites artists across disciplines to spontaneously and freely collaborate, producing a unique portfolio of images, which are then shared to Instagram and other online platforms.
The photos carry the weight of peer-to-peer endorsement and through the combined following of all involved, reaches global audiences and engages a younger demographic.
Check out the images on @CamerasandDancers.

Organizational Co-Hosts
Dance Company Co-Hosts
Architecture Co-Hosts

Photographer Co-hosts.
Ari Fararooy (@ari_fararooy)
Ashley McKinney (@ashleymcky)
Aundre Larrow (@aundre)
Brad Romano (@bradromano)
Costas Spathius (@spathumpa)
Charissa Fay (@charissa_fay)
Chris Ozer (@chrisozer)
Cindy Loughridge (@cindyloughridge)
Dan Cole (@dankhole)
Dave Krugman (@dave.krugman)
Djeneba Aduayom (@djenebaaduayom)
Eric Gagnon (@tobrook)
Irini Ioto (@irini_ioto)
Jacob Jonas (@JacobJonasTheCompany)
Jacob Santiago (@JacobSantiago)
Jason Travis (@jtrav)
Jessica Zollman (@jayzombie)
Jordan Herschel (@jordanherschel)
Jose Tutes (@tutes)
Kat Westerman (@katwesterman)
Konrad Langer (@konaction)
Kyle Huber (@asesneofhuber)
Lauren Randolph (@laurenlemon)
Laura Zalenga (@laurazalenga)
Mette Willert (@littlemycph)
Michael O'Neal (@mo)
Minh Tran (@thismintymoment)
Natalie Amrossi (@misshattan)
Omar Robles (@omarzrobles)
Oveck Reyes (@oveck)
Pei Ketron (@pketron)
Pete Halvorsen (@petehavlorsen)
Ravi Vora (@ravivora)
Rey Canlas Jr. (@reycanlasjr)
Sam Horine (@samhorine)
Sam Morrison (@samthecobra)
Sinziana Velicescu (@casualtimetravel)
Terry McLaughlin (@Asteryx)
Thai Hoang (@loewe7)
Thomas Kakareko (@thomas_k)
Tyson Wheatley (@twheat)

#CamerasandDancers has had a global impact, reaching millions of impressions and receiving press from print and online sources. Blogs have been also published by The Kennedy Center, Getty Museum, New York Public Library and Royal Opera House.
Engagement and Impressions.
#Camerasanddancers has reached a combined following of over two million. individual photos from the event reach millions of individuals.
the hashtag has created a new community where dancers and photographers from around the world share content produced inspired by the meets.